Saturday, September 10, 2011

Black Berry Ice cream / Helado de Mora


      1 lb blue berries
       1 cup of water
       2 egg whites
       1 cup sugar
   1½ cup heavy whipping cream

Rinse the berries and drain them.  Place them in  a pot with the one cup of water and bring them to a boil.  Take away from heat and let cool completely.  Mix in the blender and   for about one or two minutes at the most.  Strain it and take out the seeds. Set aside.  Separately, beat the egg whites for around five minutes. When you see that they are completely white and are forming peaks, add the sugar little by little. Don’t stop beating during this process.

Then, add the black berry concentrate and the heavy cream with a wooden spoon and mix till you see that all ingredients have incorporated.

Take to the freezer in one big bowl or in separate individual portion ones. Let freeze completely . I recommend making it one day in advance.

Enjoy !

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1 libra de moras lavadas
1 taza de agua
2 claras de huevo
1 taza de azúcar
1 lata de crema de leche

Cocinar las moras con el agua hasta que hierva. Retirar del fuego y dejar enfriar. Licuar y colar todo.  Aparte  batir las claras a la nieve . Cuando ya formen picos, agregar  el azúcar poco a poco hasta que las claras estén firmes.

Agregar el jugo de mora y la crema de leche. Llevar al congelador hasta que tome consistencia. Se recomienda hacerlo desde el  día anterior.

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